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Unfortunataruly, the Pikko Pots Handbook is not yet available because it's not finished yet! Pikko will announce it once it is ready-weady, so keep your eyes open! In the meantime, you can help outaru!

The handbook is probably going to be printed in black and white, so Pikko will not be using screenshotarus for this book. But Pikko would still love to have illustrations but cannotaru draw very-wery well at all. So if any artistic citizens of Vana'diel would like to volunteer their artwork to be published in the handbook, please let Pikko know rightaru way!

Unfortunataruly, Pikko cannotaru pay you for this and can only humbly offer a free copy of the book once printed (if your artwork is featured) and credit for your artwork. If you are interested, use the following guidelines:

  • Pikko needs black and white artwork of various gardening objects and characters as they appear in game such as:
    - Moogle
    - Pikko doing some garden task
    - Arcane Flowerpot
    - Brass Flowerpot
    - Ceramic Flowerpot
    - Porcelain Flowerpot
    - Earthen Flowerpot
    - sapling (monster)
    - Goobbue
    - Goobbue attacking with teeth showing
    - cactuar
    - a cartoon showing Moogle picking nothing but Bay Leaves and an angry character standing nearby
    - a cartoon of someone passed out after Moogle harvests only rock salt and little worms from saplings or cuttings
    - herb, grain, vegetable, fruit, cactus, cutting, and sapling plants in stages all lined up (see Gallery)
    - an oak or maple table with a tarutaru unable to reach the plants
  • Artwork must be original and your own. It must be able to retain its detail when shrunken down to around 3" x 3".
  • If you have something to submit and do not have a scanner, please e-mail Pikko for address. Artwork will not be returned unless you request it.
  • Submissions will be accepted until the end of April, but this may be extended.


When sending a submission, all of the following information must be included:

Full Name
Main Character Name
E-mail address
Postal address

You can optionally title your artwork. Credit will be given as a caption under the image as your character's name and your world. Your name and state/country will be listed on another page listing all artwork. If you do not wish for any of these items of information to be published, you must specify it.