Seed plants take at least 2 1/2 months in game to be ready for
picking, so expect to wait anywhere from 2-5 Earth days for your
plant to be ready. Trees and cactus take anywhere from 13-36 days!!!
Pikko's first experimentaru was a failure because Pikko was very-wery
impatientaru and didn't know when plant was going to be ready. You
will know for sure when your plant is ready because it will glow!
Herb plants glow pretty-wetty yellow and grain, herb, and vegetable
plants glow preciously pink! Tree cuttings and saplings will have
sparkling flowers and Cactus plants will have bright glowing blue
veins. If you are away from home, you can tell simply by seeing
if Moogle gives you option to Harvest.
If you are the type who loves to decorate your Mog House, now is
the time to decide whether to dry your flowers. First time Pikko
did not understand what drying flowers meant, Pikko thought it meant
harvesting so Pikko dried her grain seeds in not-so-excitaruing
stage. But if you dry flowers during the Harvest stage, you always
have pretty-wetty glowing plant brightening up your little roomsie!
Unfortunataruly, you cannot harvest anything from plant after it
is dried.
Make sure that you have at least two free spaces in your Mog Safe
before harvesting or Moogle will tell you he cannot harvest anything
yet. The reason you need at leastaru two spaces is sometimes you
get more than one stack of an item. If still cannotaru harvest,
make even more room! Harvesting a plant will empty pot and leave
it ready for more seeds and more plants!
There are several importantaru factors that influence growth time.
Certain seeds take longer than other-wother seeds and some crystals
expand the growth period. Pot type matters if growing in Arcane
Flowerpot. For chartaru below, the approximataru Earth Time calculation
may vary heavily if plant was ready to harvest long before Pikko
check plants.
Now that you know how to grow things, see what you can grow!