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Some of you may wonder if there is much benefit in gardening. That depends on you! Perhaps you love to fish. Growing crops of Millioncorn to make your own balls of insect paste can save you plenty-wenty gils! Or perhaps you enjoy cooking and find you cannot afford to buy Tarutaru rice for sushi. You can grow your own crops of rice! You can grow rocks for goldsmithing, fruits for juicing, crystals for profit or crafting, and much more! You can also grow metallic nuggetarus for smithing! But Pikko understands that gardening is not for everyone. This is why Pikko recommends you start with only one or two flower pots and simple seeds to see if you have patience and attentiveness to be good to your plants. Otherwise you might end up with dead plants and tons of flower pots you no longer want! And what a pain to sell them all at auction house!

Speak to little-wittle Mithra girl in each city and she tell you many-wany things about gardening. If you grow girl certain type of flower she enjoys, she will tell you secret about special city tunnels so you can exitaru Mog House into any city area. Exceptaru the one in Jeuno, this girl wants a stone instead. Those silly-willy city girls! One importantaru piece of information she will tell you is you can only have 10 flower pots in your Mog House at once. Any more and your garden suffers! And we certainly-wertainly don't want poor withered plants do we?

Pikko has done over 1,200 experimentarus and still has not figured out all of gardening's secrets. Still, Pikko knows more than before and hopes you will find her information helpful and lead you to your own successful garden! Pikko also feels need to mention to peoples that gardening is not exactaruly something to do for sure-fire profiting! If gardening is anything, it is unpredicataruble! Yes, it is true wonderful things like elemental ores and metal nuggetarus can be grown, but always remember things like ores are rare for goody-woody reason! They hard to get!

One of the most importantaru things to realize about Pikko Pots is that though each section has recommendations, you must look at the data and remember all the factors of gardening come together to grow you something nice. So while Pikko may say that the best pot for growing millioncorn is a ceramic pot, if you plant on a terrible-werrible day, you could end up with a small crop or little worms. Gardening is like mysterious puzzle-wuzzle and it up to you to put all pieces together-wether.

People always e-mail Pikko to ask, "Pikko, what will make me the most gil?". This is up to you to find out. Pikko lives on Garuda and prices always fluctaruate depending on certain factors. So Pikko cannotaru know what makes best gil on say, Phoenix. If this week Kolshushu is under Beastmen control, you check prices of meat mithkabob, Yagudo cherry, and Mhaura garlic.


In beginning, Pikko very-wery pleased to find out that Moogles allow growing of plants in house and soon began to look for flower pot to plant things in. Pikko was notaru aware of where to buy any and so of course Pikko check Auction House in Windurst. Much to Pikko's disappointmentaru, flower pot cost plenty-wenty money! Over 1,000 gil for cheapest pot! Pikko was born in Windurst and so found all pots but Earthen very-wery expunsive! But many gardeners will eventually discover each city sell one type of flower pot in shop for about same price of 1,000 gil:

Brass Flowerpot
Boytz's Knicknacks
Bastok Mines
Boytz (H-7)

Ceramic Flowerpot
North San d'Oria
Pirvidiauce (D-8)

Earthen Flowerpot
Ensasa's Catalyst Shop
Windurst Waters
Ensasa (H-6)

Porcelain Flowerpot can only be made by high level Alchemy (61 cap). The recipe is: Fire Crystal -> Cermet Chunk x1. These costaru around 5,000 - 7,000 gil at Auction House.

Arcane Flowerpot can be quested at the Strange Apparatuses or bought at Auction House. Pikko buy this pot for 300,000 gils!! Hoo, walletaru still hurting! The Arcane Flowerpot was a "rare" item when it firstaru come out, but now you can have a whole house of them if you like!

Wooden Flowerpot is obtained through little-wittle side quest of Inside the Belly. Pikko has not yet used one of these!

Pikko does not recommend new gardeners go pot crazy and buy 10 pots for Moogle to coo over! You may discover that you don't have time for so many plants or that you get frustratarued too easy when plants give you junky crop. Start slow and buy only one or two potsies.

Each flower potaru type is attributed to an element. According to some sites, Brass Pot is fire based, Ceramic Pot is water based, Earthen Pot is earth based, and Porcelain Pot is wind based. Pikko doesn'taru know about Arcane Pot, but many think it is Light based. Because of these elemental attributes, you will find that the same recipe in different pots can give you a bigger-wigger yield. Still, Pikko has not seen particularly fascinating data to show correlation to these specific elemental attributes for anything other than Crystal growing and even that is not always consistentaru! Pikko finds it easier to grow every-wevery combination to see which pot and seeds and crystals work bestest!

So far Pikko has only found that Arcane Pot takes superly-duperly long to grow plants!!

-Mog House Layout-

Once you have flower pot(s), you need to place them in your Mog House, which can only be done in home city. First, put the pot into your Mog Safe. Then use the Layout option to place flower pots somewhere in your Mog House. Some peoples believe that putting pots onto some type of furniture will help your plants grow faster. Pikko has no idea if this is true or not, but having your plants on a workbench or table looks much better than having them all on the floor! If you are Tarutaru, Pikko recommends workbench because tables is a little bitsy too tall for us to reach the pots in the back!