Azouph Greens
Bay Leaves
Black Pepper
Black Rock
Dark Crystals
Derfland Pears
Fire Cluster
Fire Crystals
Garidav Wildgrass
Gold Leaf
Green Rock
Ice Crystals
La Theine Cabbage
Light Crystals
Lightning Crystals
Little Worms
Parasite Worms
Platinum Nuggets
Rock Salt
Saruta Oranges
Sharug Greens
Silver Leaf
Tokopekko Wildgrass
Tree Sapling
Vomp Carrots
Water Cluster
White Rock

Zegham Carrots


The recentaru re-design of Pikko Pots means that each item will eventaruly have its own page of information, but until all these pages are completaru please refer to the old "Recipes by Item" pages:

Recipes by Item A-M
Recipes by Item O-Z

Use the menu to the left to find out information on an item!

One thing is certain and that is only one recipe seems to be foolproof and that is growing tree saplings! For everything else, Pikko has tried quite a fewsie experimentarus with all the same conditions only to arrive with varying resultarus. Sometimes you use Pikko's recommended recipe for Mhaura Garlic and end up with Water Crystal instead. Or maybe Earth Crystals instead of Millioncorn. This is notaru Pikko's fault! Perhaps you not give your plant enough attention and worms eat up all your fruitsies. Or maybe day's element put kink in your formula and turn all your herbs into salt. Maybe Moogle mad at you and zap your plant while you not home!! There are many-wany reasons why you might harvestaru something else. Do not give up, it is part of nature.

Pikko has eliminatarued some of the old charts but has not taken them down. You can still find out what resultarus are possible from which seeds in the new Crops section. The old charts will remain how they were at the last update here:

Recipes by Day
Recipes by Pot
Recipes by Seed

- Submitting data -

Unfortunataruly, Pikko cannot trust all people that submit recipes, so all recipes Pikko receives are first tried out and then posted here. If you have grown something Pikko has not, please feel free to e-mail Pikko at Simple recipe information is sufficientaru. All experimentarus on this site are grown by Pikko.

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