Thank you for visitaruing Pikko Pots, an online
guide to gardening in Final Fantasy XI. Pikko has long thought Moogle
family is best persons to give information about gardening, butaru
since so many-wany Moogles busy all the time keeping safes and going
on vacations, Pikko decide to make one.
Experimentarus completed: 1382
Experimentarus listed: 609
September 23, 2007
Page added for:
Crops section has been updated.
August 13, 2007
Page added for:
August 6, 2007
Page added for:
August 5, 2007
Pages added for:
Experimentaru data added to:
May 20, 2007
One thing Pikko has learned from this update is Pikko sure does grow a lots of rock salt!! -_-
Pages added for:
March 22, 2007
Pikko has several excitaruing announcementarus to make! You can now help to support Pikko Pots by getting yourself some merchandise from the Pikko Pots Store! The design was drawn by the wonderful Ame Akai of Doukeshi Productions! (www.doukeshi.net) Pikko has T-shirts and buttons and stickers and other things available in this design, which shows Pikko with a bag of seeds happily slung over-wover her shoulder while making a "shaka", the Hawaiian symbol for greeting. Pikko has wanted to do this for a long long time and is very-wery happy to finally be able to bring this to reality! Sample of design here:
Pikko has also made some decisions about the Handbook. There have been many-wany difficultaru things to decide and eventually Pikko decided to release this as an electronic version burned onto CD. Purchase of this book will be cost of disc + very small fee for burning of disc + shipping materials + shipping. Pikko has decided not to charge any extra for this version of the book and will only ask for a donation on top of these fees. This donation is by no means required. If you wish to simply obtain a copy of the CD, that is okie-dokie! Data is still being inputaru, but for the most part, the guide has already been written long ago. The sudden flurry-wurry of wildgrass seed experimentarus Pikko conductarued has held things up considerably.
Artists that contributed to my book will receive a free copy of the CD when it is finally released (if they still desire it) and a fan-art section will hopefully be put up here soon.
March 8, 2007 Hello everybody-wody! Pikko knows it has been very long since last updataruing the site and will try to get more updatarus added in in the coming weeks.
In case you didn'taru hear, Pikko was recentaruly invited to a tour of the palace in Ru'Lude Gardens! Pikko had a wonderful time and you can read all about it rightaru here!
September 12, 2006
New items added:
Vomp Carrots
Zegham Carrots
Pages added for:
Tarutaru Rice
Tree Saplings
August 31, 2006
Experimentaru data added to:
Fire Crystals
Pages added for:
La Theine Cabbage
Little worms
Platinum Nuggets
August 28, 2006
a sad thing to see items that costaru 50-100 gil to grow being sold for
80-400k per piece. Please help keep prices down on your server. Buy
your grasses back for lower prices. Grow grasses for your friends. Tell
anyone who listens that if 'm they're buying 400k grasses, there's a
good chance it's to a gilseller. Recipes will be up by the end of
New items added:
Azouph Greens
Garidav Wildgrass
Parasite Worms
Sharug Greens
Tokopekko Wildgrass
Note: I have not yet grown any carrots.
July 31, 2006
There have been numerous reports that the previously
100% successful recipe of tree cuttings > tree saplings has been
changed in the version update. Success rates have plummeted and
have now been changed to include shell bugs. Please adjust your
gardens accordingly.
February 10, 2006
New items added:
Water Cluster
(1 new experimentaru added)
Pages have been added for:
Gold leaf (1 new
experimentaru added)
Tree sapling (1 new experimentaru
February 9, 2006
Pages have been added for:
Fire Cluster
(1 new experimentaru added)
Ice Crystal (1 new experimentaru
Silver Leaf (1 new experimentaru added)
January 21, 2006
is happy to announce birth of little-wittle baby boy 2 weeks ago. Thank
you to all the friendly-wiendly people who congratulate Pikko in game
and through e-mail!
Pikko is no longer
acceptaruing artwork for Pikko Pots book. Thank you for all the
submissions, Pikko simply needs to finish things up!
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