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biZaRRo piKkO


To best of Pikko's knowledge, you can plant eight different things:

  • bag of grain seeds
  • bag of herb seeds
  • bag of vegetable seeds
  • bag of fruit seeds
  • bag of wildgrass seeds
  • tree cuttings
  • tree saplings
  • cactus stems

To plant seeds, they must be stored in your Mog Safe. Select the Gardening option and you will be given a list of available pots. Choose your pot and select Plant Seeds. Then choose the type of seed you wish to plant. Once Moogle has safely tucked your bag of seeds into the pot, all you can do is wait for little plant to sprout. If you wish to keep records of your plantings, now is the time to do start! Type /clock on and you will be given all the information about the currentaru date, day, moon phase, and time.

Grain seeds tend to grow the quickest with a little plant sprouted in little as four Earth hours. Herb seeds take longer to sprout. Vegetable and fruit seeds take longer than herb but both take around the same time. Pikko has found tree cuttings take almostaru TEN Vanadiel months to be ready! But Pikko understands trees grow much slower than simple shrubs so it's okay. Feeding crystals to plants make them grow little bitsy faster, so expectaru plants with no crystals to take longer.

Seeds and other plantings tend to be very-wery expunsive so Pikko tries to plant only what is found while out adventaruing.

Pikko has found grain seeds in Tahrongi Canyon, Konschtat Highlands, and Meriphataud Mountains; herb seeds in Tahrongi Canyon, Jugner Forest, and LaTheine Plateau; vegetable seeds in North Gustaberg, South Gustaberg, and LaTheine Plateau; and fruit seeds in Battalia Downs and Crawler's Nest. All from sapling family. Pikko has found bag of tree cuttings from Goobbues in Rolanberry Fields, Sanctuary of Zitah, The Boyahda Tree, and Passhow Marshlands. Be careful of those nasty Goobbues! Pikko thoughtaru they cutesy animals with plants growing on head but then see they have plenty-wenty sharpsy teeth to munch on Pikko's arms and legs!! Tree saplings can be grown from tree cuttings with NO crystals fed. Cactus stems come from cactuars or you can gets yourself 4 bags from questaru in Bastok.

Wildgrass seeds were recentaruly introduced to Vana'diel and you can get them by purchasing them in Aht Urghan Whitegate inside the south dock area. Khaf Jhifanm at (H-11) sells them for 320 gil each. Nice and cheap!!


You must examine your little-wittle plants every so often (at least once per Earth day) so that it does not wither away and die. You can do this from a Rent-a-Roomie in another city, but you won'taru be able to see your plants. Moogle will warp back home and check on them for you. It very-wery easy to keep your garden alive while out adventaruing away from home city so don't use that as excuse for dead plants!


Some people believe that examining plants many-wany times will help plant grow faster and better. Pikko isn't sure how true this is because Pikko has gotten very good crops only by examining once every morning and night and plants could probably do with less examining than this. Moogle will take care of them, you just cannotaru forget them!

After the first sprout, your plant will go into second stage of growth and will begin to have some trouble-woubles growing. At this point, Moogle will let you feed a crystal to the plant if you so desire. This is not required to have a healthy plant. If you do not want to start all over, DO NOT EMPTY YOUR POT! Moogle will dump out all your seedsies and you have to plant new ones again. DO NOT DRY YOUR FLOWERS! Flower drying is for Harvest stage when you want pretty-wetty glowing plant in Mog House.