# 1 question
Pikko always gets is: How do I make money from gardening, Pikko??
Those that
knows Pikko from posting on, in-game, in-person,
or from IRC will know that this question really-weally upsets
Pikko. Unfortunataruly, Pikko has come to realize that although
her gardening goals differ greatly from others, that is no reason
to bitaru people's heads off! It also means Pikko
has to start gardning for money too because of price of Raise
With 33 differentaru
worlds come 33 differentaru economies. Although prices can generally
remain the same from server to server, we all know the market
swings based on certain factors at differentaru times. In order
for you to profit from something, you need to find out what is
hot! Here are some research tips:
- Find out
what end products are selling well, such as food or bait.
- Research
what is hard to come by overall.
- Look up
what is the most expensive crystal.
- Pay attention
to the supply. Lower supply usually means price spike.
After you
find several things you'd like to grow, you must look carefully
at data on Pikko Pots. If success rate is low, it's probably-wably
best to grow something else. Always take into consideration the
cost of seed and cost of crystal before jumping right in!
Memorize regional
products and when the weekend comes around, study the Regional
Map (found by typing /rmap) and see if any regions will likely
be falling under Beastmen control. For example, if Fauregandi
is going to be Beastmen controlled, there is a goody-woody chance
that Faerie Apples (used for apple pies) will suddenly become
quite expensive. If Kolshushu gets overrun Mhaura Garlic, Yagudo
Cherries, and Buburimu Grapes may go up in price.
Say you are
very-wery lucky and harvest 5 fire ores and go to the Auction
House and see much to you disappointment that there are already
9 ores for sale. Are you going to list all 5 for a little cheaper?
Or are you going to list only one or two and wait a little-wittle
bit? Check the sales history. If they are selling slow, chances
are you will be wasting your money on auction fees. You could
undercut, but what good does that really do except to the buyer?
Making it so there are 14 ores will encourage the next seller
to undercut.
Of course
there is a chance it will go down anyway and you will lose money
that way. But if everyone is scared of this the price will always
go down, not up, hurting your profit in the long run.
times people e-mail Pikko to say this is their first garden and
they are trying for all elementaru ores because they are broke.
Pikko feels sick to her stomach hearing this!! Gardening is NOT
for everyone. This is why Pikko encourages everyone to try starter
seeds first. There is good chance that you will harvest all crystals
and rock salt so if this is your last bunch of gil, why throw
it all away on something you weren't ready for?
Whatever your
friends tell you, gardening is NOT guaranteed. |