Despite Pikko's
mere moderataru intelligence, Pikko has some idea of which pots
grow the bestest crops. So if you have only a pot and no idea
what to try, use this section. Still, feeding day should always
be considered a factor. This section will only list items best
with pots. To find out how to grow them, see Recipes
by Item. Crops listed are possible in other pots
as well, but some crops grow best in specific pots. Recommended
items are in bold red
and are based on yield amount compared to other pots, by yield
higher than 20, or by very-wery good profitaru margin.
Until many-wany
more experimentarus are completed, Pikko cannot make more than
a fewsie recommendations.
Possible crops
include the following items:
- bay leaves
- Earth Crystals
- Fire Cluster
- gold leaves
- lightning ore
- marguerites
- rock salt
- Tarutaru rice
- tree saplings
- woozyshrooms
Possible crops
include the following items:
- amaryllis
- bay leaves
- black peppers
- blue peas
- blue rock
- carnations
- coral fungi
- chunk of dark ore
- cinnamon sticks
- darksteel nuggets
- deathball
- Earth Cluster
- faerie apples
- Fire Crystals
- Fire Cluster
- gold ore
- green rock
- gysahl greens
- Ice Cluster
- Kazham peppers
- La Theine cabbages
- Light Crystals
- Lightning Crystals
- little worms
- Mhaura garlic
- millioncorn
- mythril leaves
- persikoses
- platinum nuggets
- popotoes
- puffball
- red rock
- red rose
- rock salt
- San d'Orian grapes
- Saruta cotton
- Saruta oranges
- shell bug
- silver leaves
- sobbing fungus
- Tarutaru rice
- thundermelons
- tree saplings
- Water Crystals
- watermelons
- wild onions
- Wind Crystals
Possible crops
include the following items:
- amaryllises
- bay leaves
- black chocobo feathers
- black rock
- blue peas
- Buburimu grapes
- carnations
- cinnamon sticks
- coral fungi
- Dark Crystals
- chunk of dark ore
- Earth Crystals
- Fire Crystals
- frost turnips
- gysahl greens
- Ice Cluster
- Ice Crystals
- chunk of ice ore
- Kazham peppers
- Kukuru beans
- Light Cluster
- Light Crystals
- Lightning Crystals
- little worms
- marguerites
- Mhaura garlic
- millioncorn
- mythril leaves
- platinum nuggets
- popotoes
- puffball
- red rock
- reishi mushroom
- rock salt
- sage
- Saruta cotton
- Saruta orange
- screaming fungus
- sobbing fungus
- sunflower seeds
- Tarutaru rice
- tree saplings
- Water Crystals
- watermelons
- white rock
- wild onions
- Wind Crystals
Possible crops
include the following items:
- black
- black rock
- blue peas
- chamomile
- cinnamon sticks
- coral fungi
- deathball
- Earth Crystals
- eggplants
- Fire Crystals
- ginger roots
- gold beastcoins
- green rock
- gysahl greens
- Ice Crystals
- Kukuru beans
- LaTheine cabbages
- Light Crystals
- Lightning Crystals
- little worms
- marguerites
- Mhaura garlic
- mistletoe
- mythril nuggets
- persikoses
- popotoes
- puffball
- red rock
- rock salt
- sage
- Saruta cotton
- screaming fungus
- sobbing fungus
- steel nuggets
- sunflower seeds
- Tarutaru rice
- thundermelon
- tree saplings
- Water Crystals
- watermelons
- white rock
- wild onions
- Wind Crystals
- Windurstian tea leaves
- Yagudo cherries
Possible crops
include the following items:
- bay leaves
- bronze nuggets
- chamomile
- Dark Crystals
- dark ore
- darksteel nuggets
- Fire Cluster
- Fire Crystals
- frost turnips
- gold leaves
- green rock
- ice ore
- iron nuggets
- kukuru beans
- LaTheine cabbages
- Light Cluster
- Lightning Crystals
- millioncorn
- mythril nuggets
- persikoses
- platinum nuggets
- poptoes
- rock salt
- San d'Orian grapes
- Saruta cotton
- shell bugs
- sunflower seeds
- Tarutaru rice
- translucent rock
- tree saplings
- Water Crystals
- white rock
- Wind Crystals
- wind ore
- Yagudo cherries
- yellow rock